Мэр Екатеринбурга вмешался в два конфликта перед Новым годом

После праздников будет столько же. Или больше — ведь в новой думе грядет мощный...
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Aleksey Orlov
Last position: Head (Administration of Yekaterinburg)
Aleksey Vikharev
Last position: The deputy, the member of the commission on local government, cultural and information policy and public relations; the member of the commission on municipal economy, town planning and land use (City Duma of Yekaterinburg )
Valery Borisovich Savelyev
Last position: Vice-president (SOSPP)
Olga Belonozhkina
Main activity:Official
Dmitry Nikolaev
Last position: Deputy (City Duma of Yekaterinburg )