Торжественно открыли мост через Дымку в Ютазинском районе Татарстана

Искусственное сооружение находится на дороге «Уруссу - Октябрьский - Абсалямово - Уба» у села...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Dorinfo — Road news» , more details in our Terms of Service
Farit Khanifov
Last position: Minister (State institution Ministry of Transport and Road System of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Edouard Danilov
Last position: Director (State public institution "Head department soderzhaniya i razvitiya dorozhno-transportnogo complex Tatarstana pri ministry for transport i dorozhnogo economy Respubliki Tatarstan")
Alexander Klebanov
Last position: Minister (MINTRANS BELARUS)
Shafigullin Ayaz