What car breaks less often, and what constantly it is necessary to be spent for repair?

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The general German automobile club of Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V published the list of cars, most and the least subject to breakages. The list consists of 155 models, this year for the first time for 45-year history of statistics in the list appeared and electric cars, reports Autorevue portal. The rating of Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V differs from a rating of other organizations a little. It is based not on data of obligatory checkups of vehicles, and on the repairs made by mobile mechanics of Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e. V. As well as in the previous years, more than 40% of interventions were connected with malfunction of the storage battery – 43,2%. To such defect are subject not...