Strikes from salaries to pension

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Labor unions of the countries Europe carried out the large-scale protest stocks Wave of Protests overflowed leading economy Europe. As pass strikes and demonstrations in the Old World and what demands make protesting — in material daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Germany faced strike largest in decades Two German labor unions of employees of transport branch — Verdi (represents 2,5 million workers of a public sector) and EVG (230 thousand workers of iron roads and the bus companies) — on Monday, March 27, organized a 24-hour strike which became the most large-scale in the history of the country since 1992. Airports...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Elizabeth Born
Last position: Prime minister (Government Republics France)
Жеральд Дарманен
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Internal Affairs of France)