Legal support of counteraction corruptions to Russian Federation is taken part in a thematic platform ": institute anti-corruption examinations" within the Anti-corruption forum Sverdlovsk Region

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02.12.2022 the civil civil servants of department of questions of the regional legislation and registration of charters of municipalities took part in a thematic platform "Legal support of counteraction corruptions to Russian Federation: institute anti-corruption examinations" within the Anti-corruption forum Sverdlovsk Region. During action information is heard: - URGYUU NAMED AFTER V. F. YAKOVLEV, FGBOU VO "URALSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY YURIDICHESKY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V. F. YAKOVLEV", URAL STATE LEGAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V. F. YAKOVLEV, FGBOU VO "URGYUU NAMED AFTER V. F. YAKOVLEV" about work institutes...