"A student's business accelerator"

@Izhevskij filial RUK
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On December 8 there took place the Pitch session on presentation of projects developed within Intensiva "A student's business accelerator" "TechNet No. 1 Specialization". In a pitch session students of IEIU, IMITIF, students of the Izhevsk branch of the Russian university cooperations, and also foreign students of the Russian-Uzbek Center of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "UDGU" FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "UDMURTSKY STATE UNIVERSITY"UDGU took part. In total 20 projects were submitted. Experts carried out an assessment of projects by the following criteria: idea creativity, feasibility, commercial potential, existence of scientific novelty and project team. We wait results of protection! .