The big theater cancelled the ballet "Hero of Our Time" Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov

@Govorit Moskva
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It replaced with "The master and Margarita" Edward Klyuga. It is a question of displays on May 5, 6 and 7. The message on replacement is published on a site Big theaters. The reasons do not speak. "The hero of our time" director Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov — the winner Festival Gold Mask 2016. The premiere took place on July 22, 2015 at Big theater. The theatrical figure left from Russian Federation in March, 2022. In May the Big theater cancelled its ballet "Nureev". In November of Moscow Art Theatre of Chekhov cleaned a name of the director from the section "Authors of Performances" on a site theaters. In June the art director STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "MDT NAMED AFTER N. V. GOGOLYA" instead of Kirill Semenovich Serebrennikov became Yakovlev Anton. After it...