The prime minister Norway confirmed purchase the German tank "Leopard"

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Moscow, on February 3 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". The prime minister Norway Yonas Gar Stere reported that the country will buy at Germany 54 tank "Leopard", and also declared possibility of acquisition of 18 more tanks, the NRK TV company transfers. According to him, purchase has to strengthen defense capability Norway. It is noted that the cost of purchases the German tanks makes 19,7 billion Norwegian kroner (nearly 2 billion dollars). "We are in one of the most difficult situations in the field of policy of safety since World War II", - the prime minister added. Let's remind, earlier the Minister of Defence of Novregiya Bjrn Arild Gram...
Bjrn Arild Gram
Last position: Minister (Ministry defenses of Norway)
Kiriakos Mitsotakis
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Greece)
Jonas Gar Stere
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Norway)