Oleg Tsarev told that is the reason of searches in Ukraine

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Maslov Eugenie Moscow, on February 1 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". The Ukrainian president Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky wants to show that he fights against corruption. The former deputy told The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev, making comments occurred in Ukraine on searches at officials, deputies and businessmen. "In Ukraine often one movement try to achieve many objectives. It is usual practice. On the one hand press United States of America on resignation corrupt officials. On the other hand the same States press on Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky that it handed over Ihor Kolomoyskyi. And third reason: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky against information which now publish "sorosyata" (the speech of the lake. .