На Х Всероссийском съезде судей определили состав судейских органов

Судьи выбрали членов Совета судей, Высшей квалифколлегии и Высшей экзаменационной комиссии...
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Alexander Dzyban
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on criminal cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Victor Momotov
Last position: Judge (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Irina Abakumova
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on administrative cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Anatoly Pershutov
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on economic disputes (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Borisovich Khamenkov
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on administrative cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)