The lawyer Andrey Knyazev told who will gain income from copyright the late Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev

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On November 7, 2022, 10:55 — Public news service — OSN the Lawyer Andrey Knyazev told that there is with copyright of the late Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev and who will gain income from them. His words are provided by CT News. As it appeared, the probability of transition of copyright Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev to his concert director Sergei Gorokh is high. "Copyright, most likely, the companion Sergei Gorokh if is not present, the close relatives. As far as I understand, the director and with the apartment helped, and with treatment. If it got the apartment, and copyright to it" — Andrey Knyazev in Blitz.Plus interview explained. Earlier singer...