Franko James will play Fidel Alekhandro Kastro Rus

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Chesnokova Catherina / RIA Novosti news agency the Double owner of "The gold globe" Franko James will play a role Fidel Alekhandro Kastro Rus in a picture Bardem Miguel "Fernandes Aline Cuba". The celebutante Natalya Revuelta with whom the Cuban leader had a passionate novel, Mia Maestro will play, reports Deadline. At the movie two screenwriters: nominee on "Oscar" for work in the movie "Diaries of the Motorcyclist" José Rivera, and also winner Pulitzer Prize writer Cruise Naylo. At the heart of a picture the real history of life of the daughter Revuelta and Fidel Alekhandro Kastro Rus, her name is Fernandes Aline lies. She became the ardent anti-communist and openly criticized...