Robot Vasya amused Eugenie Borisovich Lyulin on "Innoprome-2022"

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The chairman Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region estimated sense of humour of Vasya. Eugenie Borisovich Lyulin communicated to robot Vasya on "Innoprome-2022". The chairman Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region shared experience with subscribers in Telegram. "Elder brother" of the Nizhny Novgorod morozhenshchitsa of Dunyasha told Eugenie Borisovich Lyulin about the founders and tried to amuse the chairman of Legislative Assembly. "On 10 000 square meters International industrial exhibition "Innoprom" are presented today more than 500 companies. To bypass each exposition and attentively to get acquainted with products there will be no day also. Everyone represents at exhibition something special, it is a lot of...