In Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare estimated probability of introduction lokdauna because of smallpox of monkeys

@Argumenty i Fakty
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A plot the Outbreak of smallpox of monkeys in the world Moscow, on June 23 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". Professor, the deputy director on kliniko-analytical work of Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora Natalia Pshenichny declared that to Russian Federation will not be lokdauna because of smallpox of monkeys. About it reports Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". By words Natalia Pshenichny, smallpox of monkeys extends not so easily as Koronavirus and will not demand lokdauna in case of a disease outbreak to Russian Federation. "Anyway distribution of monkey smallpox will not be similar to Koronavirus neither on the speed and distribution scales, nor on peak load of health care, social and economic...
Anna Popova
Last position: Head, Chief state health officer of the Russian Federation (Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare)
Natalia Pshenichny
Last position: Deputy director for kliniko-analytical work (Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora)