In 1938 the philosopher, the ideologist of White movement Ilyin Yvan Aleksandrovich gave the exact forecast of events in Ukraine

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It is written, as though today: "Russian Federation - not a human dust and not chaos. It is first of all the great people which were not wasting the forces and not desperate of the calling. These people yearned on a free order, on peace work, on property and on national culture. Do not bury it prematurely! " The author of these lines - the master-spirit and cultures, the philosopher, the writer, the brilliant publicist, the doctor of the state sciences, professor, the hot patriot - Ilyin Yvan Aleksandrovich. Having lived a considerable part of the life in exile, outside Russian Federation, it for a minute did not interrupt spiritual...
Ilyin Yvan Aleksandrovich
Nevsky Alexander
Denikin Anton Ivanovich
Komansky Gabriel
Nauchny higher education institution