Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" real affairs helps with fight for ecological health of Volga

@IA "Volga-Kaspij"
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Today day of one of the largest rivers – Day of Volga. Inhabitants of Volgograd were undoubtedly lucky that we live on the bank of the largest river and we use all opportunities which are given by this waterway. Preservation of a unique natural complex of Volga – responsibility of each person. Today all of us need to understand that quality of life depends on our ecoconsciousness, not only in the present, but also future. The contribution to preservation of ecological health of Volga was made also by volunteers Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" in Volgograd. The second year in a row Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" together with noncommercial fund NFOER "BEZ REK KAK BEZ RUK"...