Work is: More than 1,1 thousand vacancies in agrarian and industrial complex the Farming in Altay] is available on a platfor

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The total of vacancies in the sphere of the agrarian and industrial complexes placed in the Work service on digital platform of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" the Farming, exceeded 13 thousand. In base of service as employers Russian Federation is presented more than 2000 companies on all. So, more than 1100 vacancies on service it is presented in Altai Territory and respublika Altay. The Work service on digital platform the Farming appeared in 2020 and since then actively develops. Its distinctive feature – collecting and the publication of vacancies and summaries are exclusive in the agriculture sphere that considerably facilitates job search to competitors...
Lyubaeva Lyubov
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
PJSC FosAgro
Main activity:Chemical production
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