Boxing, Federal office investigations United States of America America and classics: what to look at movie theaters on days off on February 25-27

@Bijskij rabochij
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The well-known Peter Kheyden Dinkleydzh (Tirion Lannister) in a new role – film statement according to the drama of Rostan "Sirano de Bergerac" During the last week-end of February in the Russian film distribution it is predictable silently — big projects before an exit of long expected "Batman" (the prime minister on March 3) do not lean out that, however, in any way does not block road to promising genre projects. In premier displays - and the musical in historical scenery, and the amusing animated film for family audience, and the thriller with William John Nison and even a sports biopic. We bring to your attention a selection of the main premieres of the future days off for all...