Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman leaves from Novosibirsk theaters the opera and the ballet

@Novosibirskie novosti
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The theatrical figure leaves a post of the art director NOVATA for the sake of a new position: Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman appointed director general the Moscow Art Theatre of a name of M. Gorky. About personnel changes told in Ministry of Culture. At Novosibirsk theater the opera and the ballet the art director will be replaced. Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman will head Mkhat named after M. Gorkogo, reported in Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman will continue to combine the new work with a post of the art director of Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Mikhaylovsky theater". In NOVATE the art director there is Yurovsky Dimitri — the musical director and the chief conductor...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 596
Yurovsky Dimitri
Mezdrich Boris
Lolo Ida