Journalists "Volga novi" passed both phases of a revaccination from Koronavirus

@Volzhskaja nov'
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More than 220 people repeatedly passed vaccination against Koronavirus. Today the editor-in-chief of the Volzhskaya Nov newspaper Muftaliev Nusret and the web editor of the electronic version of the newspaper finished both stages of a revaccination from Koronavirus. Let's remind, we were one of the first in the republic who was vaccinated, and now, later certain time - did repeated vaccination. To us on a choice were offered the Satellite the Light or ordinary two-component Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak". We chose more reliable option - Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak". As well as in January, except insignificant morbidity in a place of statement of a vaccine...