The actress from the movie "Budulai Which Do Not Wait"] die

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Moscow, on September 23 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". In Vitebsk on the 83rd year of life the honored actress Belarus Petrachkova Valentine died. The actress died on September 20. The cause of death is not reported. The Belarusian national academic dramatic theater of a name of Yaqub Kolas expressed condolences to Petrachkova Valentine. The actress will be buried in Merzlyakovo's village Region of Vitebsk. Petrachkova Valentine was born in 1939 in Rudnya. Since 1958 the actress served in Kolasovskom theater. To act in at beginning film in 1981. Among most its known film works – roles in movies "Alarms of the First Birds"...