В Вологодской области завершились Всероссийские соревнования по самбо и боевому самбо среди правоохранительных органов

Более 300 спортсменов из 25 регионов состязались в различных весовых категориях...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Maria Shekerova
Last position: The professional athlete on judo, sambo
Rustam Taldiev
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on fighting sambo (All-Russian sports and sports Public organization "Vserossiyskaya Federatsiya Sambo")
Alexander Aleksandrovich Ulyakhov
Last position: The professional athlete on judo
Kakhramanova Elmira
Ivanova Anastasia