We operate GPIO contacts from C#.NET 5 in Linux on the one-paid Banana Pi M64 computer (ARM64) and Cubietruck (ARM32)

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When the speech about programming on C%23.NET for one-paid computers comes, conversations turn only generally round Raspberry Pi on Windows of Internet of things. And how Banana/Orange/Rock/Nano Pi, Odroid, Pine64 and other Chinese one-paid computers working at Linux? So let's it correct, we will establish.NET 5 on Banana Pi BPI-M64 (ARM64) and Cubietruck (ARM32), and we will operate GPIO contacts from C%23 in Linux. In the first part of a series of posts, we will connect a light-emitting diode and the button for working off of interruptions and we will consider library Libgpiod (the spoiler, library as can be used in C%2B%2B, Python) for...
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