To Russian Federation in days revealed 8632 cases Koronavirus

@Afisha Daily
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To Russian Federation for the last days revealed 8632 cases Koronavirus in 83 regions, reports operational headquarters on a situation with a disease. It is 689 diseased less, than yesterday. Most of all new cases of infection in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Moscow Region, Rostov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Samara Region, Voronezh Region, Irkutsk Region, Saratov Region and Sverdlovsk Region. Total number of the revealed patients from Koronavirus in the country increased to 4 702 101. For the last days 7391 persons, for all the time — 4 326 780 recovered. In days 389 patients, for the entire period — 105 582 died. By data Universities Jones of Hopkins, in the world number...