Aylen Pritchin will act with the Voronezh academic symphonic orchestra

@Kul'tura VRN
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On January 22 and 23 the winner Tchaikovsky's name will play the XVI International competitions in a hall of the Voronezh philharmonic hall. Concerts will take place within the program of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation "The All-Russian philharmonic seasons". Aylen Pritchin was born in 1987 in Saint Petersburg. Mother at it the Russian, the father - the Vietnamese. In 2005 graduated from Average special musical school at St. Petersburg state conservatory named after N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova and Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name (a class of professor Edouard Davidovich Grach). The young musician – the owner of a set of awards, among which first and special prizes of competitions and festivals to Russian Federation...