The Director of the department of the budgetary policy in branches of educations, sciences and cultures of Ministry finance of Republic of Uzbekistan] is appointe

@Uzbekistan Daily
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The Director of the department of the budgetary policy in branches of educations is appointed, sciences and cultures of Ministry finance of Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( – Eshchanov Adkham Bakhodirovich is appointed the director of the department of the budgetary policy in branches of educations, sciences and cultures of Ministry finance of Republic of Uzbekistan. Eshchanov Adkham Bakhodirovich was born in 1988 in Urgench Xorazm Province, on a nationality the Uzbek. Education the highest, in 2011 received degree of the bachelor Tashkentsky the state Economics university, in 2013 degree of the master the same HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Labor...
Eshchanov Adkham Bakhodirovich
Economics university
Ministry economic development
Government Agency