Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev became the leader of a season by quantity of double mistakes

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The German tennis player Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev made most of all double mistakes during the season-2020. Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev - 211 double mistakes Denise Shapovalov - 189 Ozhe Felix - 175 Benoit Per - 151 Bublik Alexander - 142 Novak Dzhokovich - 137 Grigor Dimitrov Dimitrov - 124 Garin Christian - 123 Diego Sebastian Shvartsman - 117 Milosh Raonich - 110 Hubert Gurkatsch - 107 Daniil Medvedev - 100 Dominic Thiem - 99  Players in a plot: Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Zverev
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Novak Dzhokovich
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Grigor Dimitrov Dimitrov
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Daniil Medvedev
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis
Denise Shapovalov
Last position: The professional athlete on tennis