On October 27 - Day of memory Paraskev Pyatnitsa Paraskev

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It is the patroness of fields and cattle. The Saint martyr is esteemed as the healer of people from the heaviest sincere and corporal illnesses. In Yaroslavl two temples on the Tugovy mountain and in a Kalashny row are devoted to Pyatnitsa Paraskev, one more, five-domed, - on Vspolye with a rare stone iconostasis, is destroyed in the 30th years. Pyatnitsa Paraskev it was usually represented in a red attire, with a cross in hands. On old North Russian icons Pyatnitsa Paraskev can be represented on the back of an image of the Mother of God. Icon painters ordinary wrote the martyr with a severe podvizhnitsa, high growth, with a radiant wreath on the head...