For progress of a team of Son and Gary Edward Keyn Mourinho asks to thank Mauricio Roberto Pochettino Trossero, instead of it

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The mentor of "Tottenham" Zhoze Mariu dush Santush Mourinho Felish spoke a team of the midfielder Song of Hyn Ming and the forward Gary Edward Keyn. The Portuguese declared: "This mutual understanding came since Mauricio Roberto Pochettino Trossero. It is not necessary to attribute all merits only to me, we will divide them with Mauricio Roberto Pochettino Trossero. They acted together long time, it is possible, in a different way, because Gary Edward Keyn now not always play the nine". "The B olshe me pleases all that it is two top players who are close friends. They have no envy, both of them play on team. Thanks to them, to two great players and tremendous guys", – told Zhoze Mariu dush Santush Mourinho Felish...
Gary Edward Keyn
Last position: Professional athlete of England national football team (FA)