"Pyaterochka" opened for buyers the first shop with completely automated system of purchases

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Zakazchiki:pyaterochk's project the Federal distribution network Trade Without involvement of the consultant or not data Product: Projects on the basis of technologies Internet of things (Internet of things) the Second product: Video analytics (projects) Third product: Complex projects of video surveillance project Date: 2020/03 - 2020/09 Technology: Internet of things Internet of things contractors - the 202nd projects - the 516th systems - the 452nd vendors - 289 Technology: Video surveillance systems contractors - the 237th projects - 534 systems - the 574th vendors - 268 Technology: Video analytics systems contractors - the 82nd projects - 181 systems - the 165th vendors - 122 2020:...
Goncharov Sergei
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Science and education