Ван де Бек и Кавани признаны худшими летними трансферами АПЛ

Портал Athletic провел опрос среди 18 ведущих футбольных агентов для определения худших трансферов АПЛ по итогам нынешнего трансферного окна...
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Nathan Benzhamin Ake
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Manchester City")
Donni Van de bek
Last position: The professional athlete Sbornoy of the Netherlands on soccer (Korolyov city football union Netherlands)
Thomas Teye Parti
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Arsenal" (London))
Edinson Roberto Kavani Gomes
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Manchester United")
Greydi George Diangana
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Vest Bromvich Albion")
Football club "Manchester United"
Main activity:Culture and sports
FC "Manchester City"
Main activity:Culture and sports