University Johns Hopkins called the leading countries on number of the diseased of Koronavirus

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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University Johns Hopkins called the leading countries on number of the diseased of Koronavirus Leaders among the countries on number of the confirmed diseases Koronavirus new type are United States of America, India and Brazil for September 24, reported Hopkins's Jones's University Dzhonsa Khopkinsa. The first 15 countries on number of the confirmed infitsirovaniye of SARS-CoV-2 at 16:53 Moscow time by data universities Jones of Hopkins on September 24 look as follows: No. the country the caught dead of 1 United States of America 6 935 799 201 920 2 India 5 732 518 91 149 3 Brazil 4 591 364 138 105 4 Russian Federation 1 123 976 19 867 5 Colombia 784 268 24 746 6 Peru 782 695 31 870 7 Mexico 710 049...