The Moon are closer: today by Earth the asteroid] will fly b

@Populjarnaja mehanika
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The size the stone is comparable to car like the Gazelle and it rushes with a speed of 7,7 km/s concerning Earth. National administration office on aeronautics and space research / JPL-Caltech according to the Center of studying of near-earth objects (CNEOS) of Laboratory of jet propulsion in Pasadena (State of California, United States of America) collisions of an asteroid 2020 SW with Earth are not expected. But by data National administration office on aeronautics and space research will pass a space stone from our planet in only 22 thousand kilometers. For comparison, the distance from Earth to the Moon makes 384 000 km. It means that the asteroid will be closer to a planet, than television and weather satellites which, according to EarthSky, are on...