The number of patients Koronavirus in Saratov increased to 6240 people

@Region 64
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In Saratov Region the card of dynamics of a gain of cases Koronavirus is updated. Actual information from 14 till September 20 was published by operational staff. Most of all new infections occurred in the regional center - 423. The three of leaders also enter Engels district and Balashov district - 74 and 68 patients respectively. "The gain from 10 to 19 cases is recorded in the following MR: Volsk district, Pugachevsky district, Krasny Kut district, Saratov district, Tatishchevo district, Ivanteevka district and Marx district. From 4 to 9 - Market Karabulaksky, Ershovsky, Rtishchevsky, Aleksandrovo-Gaysky, Red Army, Soviet...