In Pskov Region 6 editors-in-chief of newspapers were elected deputies

@Delovoj Peterburg
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In Pskov Region following the results of the municipal elections which have taken place on September 13, at once six editors-in-chief of regional newspapers of the region became deputies. In Gdovsky city meeting of deputies Galakhova Olga was elected the editor-in-chief of "the Gdovsky dawn", the deputy of Nevelsky regional meeting became the editor-in-chief of "the Nevelsky messenger" Bystrova Marina, in Lokna elections of the deputy of city council were won the editor-in-chief of the Voskhod newspaper by Naumova Ludmila, in Novorzhev elections in city meeting of deputies were won the editor-in-chief of the Zemlya Novorzhevskaya newspaper by Fedorova Oksana, in council...