How to rescue a dog from death because of a heat. Councils of the cynologist Zhivotnye, as well as people, are susceptible to a heat. They need even less time to receive a heatstroke. Heat and direct sunshine are hazardous to health of dogs

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Animals, as well as people, are susceptible to a heat. They need even less time to receive a heatstroke. Heat and direct sunshine are hazardous to health of dogs, the cynologist, the zoopsychologist, the founder of the film logical center "School Orlov" Orlov Vitaly told in radio Sputnik interview. At high temperatures, any dog who is even most healthy, will be sluggish and less active, than usually. However there are some simple rules which will help owners of dogs to save their health from fatal changes or death. First, by no means it is impossible to leave a dog in the car. And it is better to make walks...
Orlov Vitaly