To Lybia showed destroyed "Pantsir-C1" after blow Air UAVs to Bayraktar TB2

@Rossijskij dialog
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In the Network video of destroyed ZRPK "Pantsir-S1E" of army Khalifa Belkasim Khaftar after blow about Air UAVs by Bayraktar TB2 of the Turkish productions is published. On May 20 Air UAVs Bayraktar TB2 of the Turkish productions, consisting on arms of armies of the Government of a national consent, struck blow to ZRPK "Pantsir-S1E" of the Libyan national army in Tarhuna. After a settlement capture visual confirmation of destruction of a complex appeared forces of PNS. On June 5 on social networks video from the crushed hangar in the Estragon in which territory there is "Armour" put out of action is published, reports...