Astronauts of National administration office on aeronautics and space research Robert Louis Benken and Douglas Gerald Kherli gave "5 stars" to new space suits of Space Exploration Technologies COR
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Space Exploration Technologies COR started the first passengers - astronauts of National administration office on aeronautics and space research Robert Louis Benken and Daglasa Hurley into an orbit last Saturday. New space suits were put on them - for the first time suits of companies were checked by people in space. Astronauts carried space suits during part of the 19-hour flight on the International space station ​​ (ISS) where they will be within the next one-four months. During a press briefing on Monday with ISS Douglas Gerald Kherli told that suits "the very convenient". Robert Louis Benken added: "And Douglas Gerald Kherli, and I would have to assign to these suits five-stars score". Space suits were...