Eugenie Tsyganov will act in Vyrypaev Yvan Makarevich

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The director and the playwright Theatre Vyrypaev Yvan Makarevich started shootings of the new photoplay UFO according to own play about the people who had contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. The premiere of statement will take place in the summer on multimedia platform Okko, the head of which producer bureau is the author of the play. "The first time I heard the play UFO about 5 years ago – Vyrypaev Yvan Makarevich read it in the center of design of Artplay and told that collected interview to people who saw newcomers, – Eugenie Tsyganov told. – Form of a narration and how it did it, then very much it were pleasant to me: monotonous reading under music gave...
Eugenie Tsyganov
Last position: Actor
Aleksey Rozin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov
Last position: Leader of the rock group "Aquarium"
Vyrypaev Yvan Makarevich
Vyrypaev Gennady