Андрей Зыков: В бюджете Колымы здравоохранение всегда занимало одно из ведущих мест

Председатель комитета облдумы по соцполитике рассказал, как заксобрание делает медуслуги доступными в регионе...
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Andrey Konstantinovich Zykov
Last position: Deputy (Magadan regional Council)
Sergei Abramov
Last position: Chairman (Magadan regional Council)
Alexander Aleksandrovich Basansky
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on economic development, budget and taxes. (Magadan regional Council)
Edouard Kozlov
Last position: Chairman (Magadan city regional organization All-russian public organization "Rossiysky Afghan veterans union")
Mikhail Tumashov
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on the state construction and local government
Main activity:Insurance
Government Agency