Стало известно, кто возглавит омские Минпром и Минприроды

Конкурсная комиссия рекомендовала главе региона назначить министром промышленности Андрея Посаженникова, а министром природы - Илью Лобова...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «regional information agency "Omsk-Inform"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Valery Petrovich Boyko
Last position: First deputy (Government of the Omsk region)
Andrey Posazhennikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Industry of the Omsk region)
Ilya Alekseevich Lobov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Omsk region)
Dimitri Ushakov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Omsk region)
Rasim Galyamov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Economics of the Omsk region)
Government Agency
Government Agency
Government Agency