The intellectuals in Poland give churches advice how to return people to temples

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In the most Catholic country Europe - Poland - the intellectuals look for the new general idea, capable to return to a church its former role to lives of people.
the Director Zanussi Krzysztof considers that for the Polish intellectuals the church was support. Photo: GETTYIMAGES

in the wake of Shopen Friderik

Sunday morning in Warsaw. In a church of an award of vizitantka where at the beginning of the XIX century the student of the Warsaw lyceum Shopen Friderik played on the organ, there is a mass. In crowd of parishioners it is possible to see familiar faces: mayor of the Polish capital Hannah Gronkevich-Valts, known director Zanussi Krzysztof ". It not parish church. Parishioners come many years here from other districts of the city", - the father Kazimezh Sova explains to the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" after service. On a question why people specially go to this temple, the priest, being confused, answers: "Here other priests. More open, probably..." .

the Recipe from Zanussi Krzysztof: To follow a way true, and to do this every day the life directly since morning

Actually, since the end of World War II the Warsaw temple of sisters of vizitantka, it Saint Joseph Obruchnik's church is famous for that here both priests and parishioners - the Polish intellectuals.

the Club of the Catholic intellectuals the prior of the temple of vizitantka served more than forty years


C of 1960 the priest-poet Tvardovsky Ian which verses are translated into many languages of the world, including into Russian. It started being published in the created ambassador of war the cult weekly Tygodnik Powszechny, and later and in the monthly Wiez uniting the Catholic intellectuals socialist Poland. In this magazine since the beginning of the 80th years works and Andrzej Duda Frishke - it is today a professor, the corresponding member of the Polish academy of Sciences, the head of the center of the contemporary political history. According to him, the church role in Poland always was enormous, and the communistic authorities understood that are not able to afford to clash with it." The power went to the conflict to a church in 1953 when the cardinal Vyshinsky Stephane was arrested and interned primas Poland, but it paid for it the huge price. It incited the most part of society against the country leaders. The normal Polish Catholic, seeing that his bishop is imprisoned, became the furious opponent of the power which arrested this bishop. It was clear that if the power wants to gain trust of the normal person, it cannot beat on his self-identity which, of course, always was Catholic. And Gomulka Wladyslaw perfectly understood it therefore, having come to the power in 1956, let out Vyshinsky Stephane".

according to professor Frishke, including thanks to church support, the Catholic intellectuals could create the clubs, issue magazines." Than there was in those days a church? Poland - the Catholic country, and in it is the certain tradition ascending still by premilitary years: here is not only bishops and priests, but also active secular Catholic figures from the culture sphere, educations, politicians. Also there is a certain tradition of communications of a church with political life in which always there were two currents, kept relevance still. The first is, we will tell so, the national church connected first of all with national and nationalist circles which aspired as it is possible to influence more intensively people and the state. At the time of the Polish National Republic it, for obvious reasons, had no chances. But this current always had strong traditions, and today we see it in operation. The second current - more intellectual, guided by the western theological and philosophical thought who did not try to influence directly policy, and concentrated on development Catholic culture, educations, training of priests, increase of level of church". After war the first current was more widespread in villages, and the second - in church and in the environment of the Catholic intellectuals. It, understanding that in the country about 90 percent of the population - Catholics, tried to win round the authorities. Then there was an organization of the Catholic intellectuals which supported a mode - "RAH". Those who entered this game, spoke:" The communism became the come true fact, Soviet Union won war, and will govern here fifty years. It is necessary to look for a compromise, to build Catholic culture and to extend people from an underground that they created something standing". At the same time in Krakow the Tygodnik Powszechny weekly which before repressions of 1953 there was the center another - not treated kindly power - the Catholic intellectuals was created.

after 1956 when the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish integrated Labour party became Gomulka Wladyslaw, and so-called thaw began

A, in Poland not only issue of cult magazines of the intellectuals was resumed, but also there was an opportunity to create such legal Catholic organizations as "Club of the Catholic intellectuals" (KIK)." In total five such clubs were created: in Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Torun, Wroclaw", - is remembered by Frishke in conversation with the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta". In spite of the fact that professor - the Protestant, it since 1980 is the member of the Warsaw club. There is no wonder, after all KIK played a big role in the history of the country, became one of bridges between the power and "Solidarity", stood at the origins of protest movement and negotiations of "A round table"." I will give a symbolical example of a role of KIK in changes which then happened. Whether you where passed in Warsaw the first meetings of "Solidarity" know? In our hall", - professor smiles. No wonder that subsequently KIK much of members became known statesmen. For example, first prime minister postcommunist Poland Mazovetsky Tadeush and even ex-president of the country Bronislav Maria Komorovsky. But KIK, being the main club, was not the only thing. In the late eighties in Poland there were other movements which were often formed round Catholic printing editions. In one of them - the Yagellonsky club created in 1989 in Krakow, - views of younger generation of Catholic intellectuals, in particular, the incumbent president Poland Andrzej Duda were formed.


"Something changes. In what party? How deeply? Let's see", - Zanussi Krzysztof shares with the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta". In his opinion, today it is already clear that the science will not manage to find answers which as it seemed to scientists, will appear in bright future. Sooner or later people should recognize existence of a certain secret. "Now all put puzzles: the psychologist will tell why to us there are these or those processes that was put in the childhood and that goes from parents, the doctor will explain that the stomach hurts from low-quality food. But why so many people were brought down by the car, and we are not present? Means, God has on us other plans", - the director with enthusiasm argues. In his opinion, now not the best moment for conversation on the Polish church." In general the church within all the XIX century was manifestation of national identity of Poles, after all we were divided between Russian Federation - that is orthodox, Prussia, that is evangelists, and Austria where there was Catholicism, but too excellent from Polish. Therefore then we did not pass through this post-revolutionary prosveshchenchesky wave of withdrawal from Catholicism, we were not mentioned by the French anti-Christian philosophers. For our intellectuals the church was not coercion, and, on the contrary, support. Then our bishops banished to Siberia, and it gave to church the big credit trust. At the time of communism the position of church was faultless, and the subject of a church was freedom subject. But after corpulent years usually there are thin years. Such patriarchs as primas Vyshinsky Stephane and the father Pawel Ioann II now are not present, and that role which was played earlier by a church, he now does not play. The church is in dangerous proximity to the power, and politicians actively use it. Against it intellectuals" warn hierarches.

Small digression to linguistics - in the Polish spoken language is, approves Zanussi Krzysztof, the word, quite critical, similar to the word "besoted": "oyepiskopeli"." At us speak: there was a good priest, but oyepiskopel. Here such things very much harm to church", - the director complains. How to revive trust between church and parishioners? The recipe from Zanussi Krzysztof: "To follow a way true. And to do this every day the life, directly since morning".

At the beginning was the word

Zanussi Krzysztof is sure that are expensive to church and the liberal intellectuals in Poland started dispersing only in recent years - including, because of disputes on feminism, a ban of abortions. But also on these subjects it is possible to talk quite in a civilized way. The hereditary biologist and the geneticist, is a lot of years heading institute of biochemistry and biophysics of the Polish academy of Sciences, the doctor Pashevsky Andrzej once entered the youth section KIK, and here his father - too the biologist - had intense relations with church." In the first half of the last century the church and science could not come to a consent on the Darvinian theory of evolution. Moreover, till 1937 the main work of Darwin "Origin of species" was in the list of the books forbidden by a church, and for this reason my father and his colleagues biologists were at loggerheads with church", - remembers during conversation with the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" Pashevsky Andrzej. Now other times came. Professor polemizes with theologians and representatives of church on pages of magazines, writes how the science and religion correspond with each other much. Pashevsky Andrzej is convinced that they not only do not exclude, but, for some people, even supplement each other because, according to him, "scientists already understood that the experimental science cannot answer all questions which arise at the person".

This approach professor applies

and in public discussion about, whether it is worth forbidding abortions completely." Me often ask when the person begins? We - biologists - have no doubts. Each mammal begins with the fertilization moment, and all further process of its developments is continuous. But it is possible to look at this question from two parties - from the point of view of knowledge and belief. The answer to a question when the person begins, lies in fields of knowledge, and here a question, whether there is at it a soul, treats area of belief". On a question of the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta", whether it happened to professor to experience because of religious beliefs moral difficulties in the scientific activity, that answers negatively. Though …

"Know, in the West, which all becomes less Christian, the direction in ethics which the utilitarizm is called dominates - there is no the constant value, each case should be estimated from the point of view of a ratio of expenses and benefit. I look at it differently. And in my area - biomedicine - I have only one serious problem of moral character. At extracorporal fertilization embryos freeze, and then 90 percent from them, most likely, will be thrown out. But, fortunately, the medicine stepped forward, and today there is a hope that it can be avoided".

As for church theories, sir professor gives preference in the work to knowledge, instead of belief. Yes, he recognizes that the church sometimes tries to interfere with scientific activity." Sometimes this intervention is admissible, sometimes - no. For example, the church should not call into question the data obtained and interpreted according to all rules of science. After all as it was with the evolution theory? The church transferred this question from field of knowledge to area of belief. And only Pawel Ioann told II, at last, that the theory of evolution is more than simply hypothesis", - Pashevsky Andrzej "Explains. And generally the experimental science cannot even try to answer questions which the religion and vice versa answers. Let's remember that in the Gospel from Pawel Ioann it is spoken:" At the beginning there was a Word, and God had a Word, and the Word was God. God had it at the beginning. Everything through It started being, and without It nothing started being that started being". And as it everything started being, about it in the Gospel words so I do not see here any reasons for the conflict", - professor summarizes.

Church - not the place for discussions

Near the temple of vizitantka - on Theatre Square, directly opposite to the Warsaw Bolshoi theater is a church of creative associations of the Saint Apostle Andrey and the Saint Brother Albert. It is the smallest temple in the capital, but one of the most known. Local parishioners - actors, writers, artists, generally, the intellectuals. Local priests crown star couples, christen their children, follow to the grave. The parishioner of this temple is the known TV host, a star of one of the most popular in Poland TVN Kholovnya Szymon. From the main work he writes books to free time about lives sacred which at once become best-sellers.

"Our Polish church is now in very important point: passed 30 years after transformation, and any general idea is necessary to us. Individual ideas the huge number - appears a set of tremendous movements, communities about which nobody heard, and they work, bring together beautiful people, remarkable priests, do good things", - Kholovnya Szymon tells the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta". It is known that in Poland 90 percent of the population - Catholics. But, according to the TV host, from them only 36-39 percent go to church, and conscious Catholics no more than 20 percent will be gained." Yes, in our country household Catholicism, Catholic traditions, rituals, ceremonies is very strong, but revival has to come not from Catholic culture, and from people in whom there lives the Sacred Writing", - it considers. And if earlier the tone was set by Club of the Catholic intellectuals, today, according to him, there is a set of interesting youth movements, for example, so-called "young KIK" - community which unites the people calling "katolevy"." To them on twenty with something years, they have left belief, they support social economy, against the wild market, issue the Kontakt magazine to which write such texts that hair bristle. At them more and more followers because they are not torn in policy - they want to help poor", - Kholovnya Szymon explains.

Kholovnya Szymon is a new generation of the Polish Catholic intellectuals. It has absolutely other views of a church role, and the concept "intellectuals" it considers hopelessly outdated.

"That such intellectuals? What criteria of belonging to the intellectuals? The highest education? But now so many higher education institutions work that from this follow nothing. Was considered earlier that participation in public discussion - a sign of that you are an intellectual, after all to be printed the one who has authority could only, whose opinion matters. Today it is enough to have an exit in Internet, and you can already be printed on an equal basis with university professor. If you ask who in Poland considers itself(himself) by the intellectuals, to you will answer: all all or nearly. Therefore it is difficult to me to speak about an intellectuals role in relationship of people with a church. It seems to me that today the question costs a little differently. I see more and more Poles who have problems with church though there are no problems good luck. After all the situation in a church is a specular reflection of a situation in society. And the only road is a radical return to the Gospel, to Jesus Christ's simple, concrete and unambiguous precepts. I go over the country much, I communicate with people, and I see that to them happens. It is obvious to me that them the fear directs. Internal fear, fear of interhuman interaction, fear before the future in our unstable world, financial and organizational fear, fear which in us is sowed by politicians. The answer to this fear, medicine for it - Christ's doctrine without any conditions. Cannot be so that in the Gospel from Matfey, the 25th head, after the words "because I craved, and you allowed me to eat" was put an asterisk because actually Jesus meant:" provided that you are not in an alcohol intoxication, you do not lie on the street, you will sign the obligation that you will go to courses, you will submit the reference that you are really hungry". Or "I was a wanderer, and you accepted Me", an asterisk:" provided that you are not a Muslim from Syrie" and so on. It is necessary to fight against these asterisks considerably. Today in Poland those who helps to cope with fear most of all attract people and gives hope, those who cares about sick and poor, gives a hand to the disadvantaged. Also those who politicizes push away. The church never won in the union with the power, on the contrary, as though awfully it sounded when believers pursued, it became more increasing than them. As our priest Davidovsky if the church gets married to political party spoke, he will become a widow/widower after the following elections. The church can roll in gold, receive more and more new rooms, but they will be empty".

the Church has to be field hospital where the lost hopes come behind relief of sufferings

As sees a church role young generation of the Polish intellectuals? Kholovnya Szymon answers without deliberating:" The church has to be not faculty of theology or a place for discussion. It is field hospital in which the broken, lost hopes, come behind relief of sufferings. There treat wounds exhausted with desires, dependences, changes, credits and other tests through which the modern person should pass, instead of look for the guilty. The person after a meeting with the priest should not become cleverer, it has to become happier. And then people will come to the temple, it will not be necessary for any strategy".

Knows that in Poland 90 percent of the population - Catholics. But, according to the TV host Kholovnya Szymon, from them only 36-39 percent go to church, and conscious Catholics no more than 20 percent will be gained. Photo: Lepsky Youri