The chief of Head department Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in Krasnodar Territory thanked specialists of penitentiary department of edge for cooperation in emergency elimination

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to specialists of Head department Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in Krasnodar Territory regularly come letters of thanks from inhabitants and heads of various organizations, establishments for given help at elimination of emergency situations and incidents. In turn, the management of Head department also expresses gratitude to specialists of Administration office Federalnoy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazany po Krasnodar territory.

So, the chief of Head department Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in Krasnodar Territory Alexander Mikhaylovich Tararykin thanked the management and employees of departmental fire protection of UIS of the region for active cooperation in elimination of an emergency and incidents in the regions of edge remote from fire brigades. "We highly appreciate the help of employees of fire brigades of Administration office Federalnoy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazany po Krasnodar territory, safety aimed at providing inhabitants of our region, – Alexander Mikhaylovich Tararykin noted. – Work of firefighters is always interfaced to risk. They the first give a helping hand, work in a smoke and fire of fires. Result of this work: the saved lives of people. Thank you that shoulder to shoulder your experts also ensured safety". we Will remind

including in Kuban, there was an abnormal heat. In this regard cases of ignitions on production and household objects became frequent. Fire brigades of establishments of criminal and executive system of edge actively participated in carrying out rescue operations on objects of municipalities of Kuban. In 11 months of the current year departmental fire-fighting crews of UIS of edge of 59 times left on suppression of ignitions. Most often IK-2, IK-3, IK-6, LIU-8, MOTB and IK-11 calculations which are deployed in Ust-Labinsk district are involved in suppression of fires and the item Akhtarsky it is caused by that they are located in close proximity with big settlements where there are states of emergency. Cooperating with penal system of edge, the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations notes high professionalism and organization of fire brigades of UIS institutions.

On arms of divisions of a departmental fire service of Administration office Federalnoy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazany po Krasnodar territory consists 17 fire trucks which on the first signal are ready to leave at any time on emergency. The staff totals 88 employees who have special education and regularly passable "7" professional retraining, increasing the professionalism.