Sverdlovsk mechanicians will work possibilities of production of equipment for agro-industrial complex of the region

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The minister of the industry and science Sverdlovsk region Perestoronin Sergei charged to create the interdepartmental working group which will deal with issues of interaction of producers and consumers of the equipment for agro-industrial complex.

according to the minister, coordination of efforts on improvement of processes of import substitution in agriculture, food and processing industry will allow to provide grocery independence of the region.

"The head of the region Yevgeny Kuyvashev created the Five-years Period of Development program, one of which tasks - improvement of quality and number of release of agricultural products and gradual transition to technological independence of branch from import deliveries. We need to use as much as possible the capacity of the industrial enterprises of the region, to stimulate processes of cooperation of the engineering companies, the scientific organizations, producers of agricultural production for consecutive technological development of branch", - Perestoronin Sergei emphasized.

the Head of department of technical policy of the ministry of agrarian and industrial complex and the food Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Veretennikov reported that questions of technical equipment of the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex remain actual.

"The main reasons constraining modernization, are the high prices of equipment and lack of free money", - Vladimir Veretennikov noted.

Agricultural producers also noted that because of use of the import equipment and arising difficulties with deliveries of spare parts, they often cannot quickly repair the failed knots and units.

can be solved Now this problem in the area territory by means of the return engineering and fast prototyping, the head of the regional center of normative and technical support of science and technology park "University" Balanchuk Vitaly considers.

"Applying these methods it is possible to receive in a short space of time technical documentation on a demanded product and to make a small lot of products. The engineering center of science and technology park "University" is ready to act as that center which will assume formation of a database of the most demanded spare parts on import equipment", - Balanchuk Vitaly noted.

the Interdepartmental working group which will be engaged in the analysis of requirements of cars and the equipment for agricultural, food both processing industry and opportunities of machine-building enterprises of the region for satisfaction of this demand, will be created within a month. It also will prepare the package of proposals on state support measures for activization of processes of import substitution in production of agricultural cars and the equipment.

we Will note

, now in the territory Sverdlovsk region the technological infrastructure is created - about 10 enterprises release cars and the equipment for agriculture, food and processing industry.