Ярыгинский турнир – 2017: старт!

Сегодня, 27 января, в крытом футбольном манеже «Футбол-Арена «Енисей» стартует Ярыгинский турнир...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Krasnoyarsk newspaper 'Gorodskiye Novosti'» , more details in our Terms of Service
Mikhail Gerazievich Mamiashvili
Last position: President (FSBR)
Artem Gebekov
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (GB OF POU OF RD "OLYMPIC RESERVE SCHOOL")
Azamat Tuskaev
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (FAU MO RF TSSKA)
Angelica Vetoshkina
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (SAINT PETERSBURG CITY PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION СШОР "KSHVSM")