Zhanaozen Country: KazakhstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problemAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problem1/3/2022Magzum MirzagalievI have to recognize frankly, people were afraid to assume responsibility, there was no uniform algorithm. After Zhanaozen laws which held down militiamen in a use of weapons] were adopte1/29/2022Kasym-Zhomart TokaevAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problemAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problem1/3/2022Magzum MirzagalievI have to recognize frankly, people were afraid to assume responsibility, there was no uniform algorithm. After Zhanaozen laws which held down militiamen in a use of weapons] were adopte1/29/2022Kasym-Zhomart TokaevAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problemAt once as news from Zhanaozen went, Mangistau, immediately my deputy, the vice-minister took off for the region that on a place to meet owners, heads of gas station to develop acceptable version of the solution of this problem1/3/2022Magzum Mirzagaliev124Region News+2 last weekMedia Score: Low56years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19685:38:09 PMGMT+5772934Dialing code78Connections+35 last weekPopulation113 377NewsConnections Tree
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