Achinsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk areaWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk area8/7/2019Alexander UssIn the territory of our region there are natural centers of a disease — the Chulym River and its inflows entering the Ob-Irtyshsky water pool, including Tyukhtetsky, Birilyussky, Achinsk, Bogotolsky areas, the cities of Achinsk and Bogotol8/18/2023Dimitri GoryaevIn comparison with last year, in some territories growth — in Achinsk, Minusinsk, Ilansk areas, Lesosibirsk and in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk, including on Columns] is expecteIn comparison with last year, in some territories growth — in Achinsk, Minusinsk, Ilansk areas, Lesosibirsk and in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk, including on Columns] is expecte3/6/2023Dimitri GoryaevWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk areaWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk area8/7/2019Alexander UssIn the territory of our region there are natural centers of a disease — the Chulym River and its inflows entering the Ob-Irtyshsky water pool, including Tyukhtetsky, Birilyussky, Achinsk, Bogotolsky areas, the cities of Achinsk and Bogotol8/18/2023Dimitri GoryaevIn comparison with last year, in some territories growth — in Achinsk, Minusinsk, Ilansk areas, Lesosibirsk and in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk, including on Columns] is expecteIn comparison with last year, in some territories growth — in Achinsk, Minusinsk, Ilansk areas, Lesosibirsk and in vicinities of Krasnoyarsk, including on Columns] is expecte3/6/2023Dimitri GoryaevWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk areaWe planned to evacuate about 11 thousand people from the city of Achinsk and 5,5 thousand — from the Achinsk area8/7/2019Alexander Uss12322Region News+6 last weekHead of the district since 2021Petr KhokhlovMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2021Petr Khokhlov100years oldDate of establishmentApril 4, 192424RUS+739151Dialing code83Connections+51 last weekPopulation14 891NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyВ Красноярском крае испытают обновленную систему оповещения населенияPress Line11/15/2024GeographyMedia55 secSiberian Federal DistrictБилайн сделал доступным 4G для жителей 10 сёл и посёлков Красноярского краяZapad2411/15/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts1.1 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Ачинском районе появится цех по глубокой переработке коровьего молокаZapad2411/8/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography19 secTransportation122 млн рублей штрафов заплатят водители крупногабаритного транспортаNIA Krasnoyarsk11/7/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1 minTransportationГололед и гололедица: в чем разница?11/7/2024Geography1.4 minSiberian Federal DistrictЗа повреждение дорог Красноярского края водители большегрузов заплатят больше 122 млн рублейHKK11/7/2024GeographyMedia59 sec
Trending LawsMost discussed today8Law "About Advertising"Rating: 68Mention frequency68ConnectionsOrganizations203Places84Events68People45Technologies31Laws12
Siberian Federal DistrictМедведя без передних лап нашли на трассе под Красноярскомmedia holding "REN TV"11/1/2024GeographyMedia23 secAccidentsНа федеральной трассе под Красноярском обнаружили медведя без лапwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"11/1/2024CompaniesGeography23 secSiberian Federal DistrictПредседатель Правительства края анонсировал появление четырёхполосной дороги Ачинск - КрасноярскZapad2410/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography43 secHousing and Utility SectorГотовность края к зиме и режим ЧС в Назаровском районе обсудили на совещании у губернатораZapad2410/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2 minSiberian Federal DistrictВ Красноярском крае за сутки произошло 14 пожаровAIF-Krasnoyarsk10/19/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia34 secAccidentsС приходом холодов увеличилось число пожаров в частном сектореState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Krasnoyarsk"10/19/2024Geography16 sec